If you have been reading my website, you are familiar with Botox and how it works. Not a wrinkle filler, Botox works by relaxing muscles which make expressions like frowning and squinting. By preventing muscles from contracting, the lines and wrinkles become softer and smoother.
Below are 5 myths many new patients have about Botox:
Myth #1: I will look “fake” or “frozen”.
My signature is creating a natural result for my patients. Many patients arrive with a fear of looking like an over done celebrity. Less is more!
Often, an inexperienced injector will use too many units, creating a brow that is too peaked (aka “spock brow”) or inability to raise the eyebrows. I will discuss your goals, and explain how I will safely, and artistically use Botox to achieve a natural result.
Myth #2: If I stop getting Botox, I will look worse.
NO! I explain Botox stops the clock, but doesn’t move the clock backwards. In other words, when you have Botox injections, the muscles do not fold the skin in these areas, creating smoother skin and softer wrinkles. If you choose to stop receiving Botox – but why would you? – the muscle begins to contract and lines slowly return. Your lines will never be made worse by having had Botox treatment.
Myth #3: Botox will treat smile lines.
Botox is my go-to treatment for improving lines in the upper third of the face. Frown lines, horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet can be banished! As a muscle relaxer, Botox is used cautiously in the lower face. I can improve dimpling in the chin, soften a square jawline by reducing the masseter muscle (used for chewing/grinding teeth), improve jawline laxity, help necklace lines and neck bands, and improve lipstick lines and a gummy smile. Too much Botox in the lower face or cheeks would affect smiling, talking and chewing. Smile lines are better treated with dermal fillers.
Myth #4: I am too young for Botox.
Many younger patients are using Botox to prevent lines from forming. Botox has become so well known and trusted, that patients in their 20s and 30s are choosing Botox as a preventative anti-aging measure. Like choosing other beauty procedures (getting highlights or a manicure or microdermabrasion), Botox is a want not a need.
Myth #5: I am too old for Botox.
My job is to educate, not sell. I will speak the truth about the expectations of Botox. Although not the fountain of youth, Botox used by patients in their 70s and 80s can produce a softening of lines and fold in the upper face. If you enjoy colouring your hair or wearing makeup, why wouldn’t you enjoy the benefits of Botox?
We offer a complimentary cosmetic consultation.
Call today and learn if Botox is right for you.
Dr. O'Neill
you face
the world
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