Facial Shaping

Does your face look too full due to a double chin, or too square because you grind your teeth or chew gum frequently? Does your face look too hollow because of weight loss?

Are you unhappy with heavy eyebrows that appear “dropped”?

We have solutions!

Dr. O’Neill, a cosmetic guru at O’Neill Cosmetic Dermatology in Mississauga, will assess your needs and formulate a treatment approach without surgery.

What we can do

Our treatment approach will depend on what you choose to target, or what Dr. O’Neill determines will optimize your facial shape.

Your recipe may include:

  • Botox to slim the jawline or raise the eyebrows
  • Dermal fillers to add volume to the cheeks or chin
  • CoolSculpting with CoolMini or Belkyra to improve a double chin
  • Skin tightening with radiofrequency to improve laxity in the neck or jawline
  • Skin resurfacing to improve wrinkles, pigmentation and tighten the skin
Facial shaping beautiful woman

Providing you with an individualized comprehensive skin health program.

Get In Touch

(905) 820-7546 (SKIN)

Dr. Karen O’Neill, FRCPC
Cosmetic Dermatologist

2145 Dunwin Drive, Unit 6
Mississauga ON, L5L 4L9

Do you have questions? We have answers! Fill in the form and submit. 
All information is kept confidential.


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(905) 820-7546
O'Neill Dermatology

Call us with all your questions!
(905) 820-7546